11:30-12:30 14:00-15:30 16:00-17:30 |
Teaching - Ernesto Perini-Santos
Teaching - Ernesto Perini-Santos Paper Discussion - Knuuttila, Simo - Modality Paper Discussion - Normore, Calvin - Scotus, Modality, Instants of Nature and the Contingency of the Present |
11:30-12:30 19:00 |
Paper Discussion - Paasch, JT - The Semantics of Priority and Posteriority
Paper Discussion - Roques, Magali - William of Ockham on Essential Dependence and Causation Get together in Logic Library |
11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00 14:30-15:30 16:00-17:00 18:00-19:00 19:30-20:30 |
Discussion in small groups - Tahko, Tuomas - The Modal Status of Laws: In Defence of a Hybrid View
Plenum - Tahko, Tuomas - The Modal Status of Laws: In Defence of a Hybrid View Paper Discussion - Benovsyk, Jiri - Alethic Modalities and Temporal Modalities Paper Discussion - Meixner, Uwe - Being Metaphysically Serious about the Now and Actuality Teaching - Dan Deasy Teaching - Dan Deasy |